Out Of Box Solutions
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions."
Albert Einstein
​I assist businesses to tackle the challenges of the ever changing business environment from within their own organisations. I can offer tailored and innovative solutions to the specific businesses needs of my clients by working with their existing staff and, where necessary, interfacing with external service providers.
Some examples of solutions which I offer include:
Managing complex mergers and acquisitions transactions.
Assisting in corporate/business-line restructuring.
Assisting in the establishment and review of risk management systems and procedures.
Assisting in the establishment and review of legal and compliance functions.
Assisting in the establishment of HR policies such as anti-discrimination and whistle-blowing policies.
Assisting in the establishment and review of anti-money laundering policies.
Assisting in managing regulatory and commercial risks in new products and services
I have extensive experience in working with businesses and financial institutions in all aspects of their commercial, human resources, legal, compliance, regulatory, risks and products development functions.
To read more: click one of the links below:
C&TM Limited
Founder & CEO
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Group General Counsel of the Hong Kong Exchange
Pacific Century Group
Executive vice president of business development
CLSA Limited
Group General Counsel
Societe Generale
General Counsel for Asia Pacific
Slaughter & May
Admissions & Qualifications
England & Wales
Hong Kong
Bachelor of Laws
(The University of Hong Kong)
Rhodes scholar, Bachelor of Civil Law
(St John’s College, The University of Oxford, UK)
Committees & Directorships
Asian University for Women Support Foundation
(Hong Kong) Limited
Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong
Former member of the product advisory committee
Former member of the Asia Pacific legal
and regulatory committee
French Chamber of Commerce
Capital markets committee